With the rapid growth of pets, especially in urban centres, in veterinary practices we work with small pets every day, especially with dogs and cats.
Emergency ophthalomological instances in the case of dogs and cats are becoming more and more common and require prompt, specialized reactions, as the reaction time and specialization of the veterinarian are of the upmost importance in saving the sight of your dog or cat.
Pet owners need for their vet to take care of their pet as expertly and as well as possible, that after sanation the pet recovers as soon as possible, and that their vision remains intact.
The problematics require an excellent knowledge of anatomy, physiology, diagnostics, therapy and indications for operative sanation.
There are many methods in medicine, and new ones are constantly being discovered. For the better sanation of urgent ophthalomological instances it is important to know all methods of treatment and to use them in a quality manner.
Emercency ophthalomological instances include: penetrative wounds to the eye, proptosis and prolapsus oculli bulbi, acute abrasions or ulcus corneae, foreign objects in the eye, uveitis, descemetocele, heavy trauma of oculli bulbi, laceration of palpebrae, orbital celulitis, acute glaucoma, hyphema, chemical wounds of the eye, abrupt loss of vision.